Tag: Donna Haraway
Compost: Turning the Heap
Taking time to reflect: artist Kathrin Böhm on sustaining an art practice while resisting the pressure of endlessly producing more projects.
Editorial: Rot
Editor Julia Cavicchi introduces Rot, a section of The Learned Pig exploring multispecies creativity through modest tales of collaboration and coexistence.
Fields of Knowing
Orientation First, know food From food All things are born By food they live Toward food they move And into food they return ~~ Upanishads How do we come to know food? Our visual poetic has emerged over a three-day collaborative process in response to The Learned Pig’s current theme of Fields….
Open Call: Rot
*** Rot is currently closed for submissions. We will reopen again soon. You can sign up to our newsletter for updates. *** The world is full of both collaborations and contaminations. The evolutionary theory of symbiogenesis tells us that we are born of indigestion; some 2 billion years ago, one bacterial cell…
Wolf yollez
‘We’re not far from wolves.’ – Deleuze and Guattari, ‘1914: One or Several Wolves?’ Human-canine relationships are some of the most conceptually disordered and uncertain of interspecies relationships, precisely because the history of domestication is so long and so complex. The type of canine perspective offered by contemporary writers such as Donna Haraway…
Slip like quiet fire through woods on velvet feet (bad fairies gave foxes their foxgloves to transform them into silent hunters)i. I hear a mouse think under a foot of snow, and making a springing high-dive pounce to catch it, such that my tail waves vertically, joyfully, ludicrously, in the air above me. …
Open Call: Wolf Crossing
In Finland there is a line around the city: susiraja, the wolf border. Within is law and order: shopping malls and social security. Beyond the susiraja lie the wilds and the wolves – just 200 at the last count. Who will howl in the forests when the last wolf departs? The susiraja may be inviolable…
Symbiosis State
There’s something intrinsically interesting about symbiosis – not only in and of itself, but also as a model for new ways of thinking about relationships between, for example, art and science, or humans and the environment. California-based artist Amber Stucke has been exploring symbiosis, as well as ideas around consciousness and embodiment, for the past…
The Art of Fermentation
Sandor Ellix Katz is the author of The Art of Fermentation: An In-Depth Exploration of Essential Concepts and Processes From Around The World, “the most comprehensive guide to do-it-yourself home fermentation ever published”. Released in 2012 with a foreword by Michael Pollan, it has received rapturous praise in both the food world and in environmentalist…