The Learned Pig

Art – Thinking – Nature – Writing

A Good Life / Subsistence


Linnea Ryshke

Linnea Ryshke

Linnea Ryshke


The Learned Pig


Linnea Ryshke


Linnea RyshkeA Good Life and Subsistence are part of Kindling (Lantern Publishing and Media, September 2021), by Linnea Ryshke, a collection of poetry, photography, visual art and essays following field experience working at a small-family meat farm. Centered on an ethnographic sensitivity, the book offers a gentle, honest, yet stirring narrative of an environment in which nonhuman animals are valued based on economic gain.


This is part of FIELDS, a section of The Learned Pig devoted to exploring fields as natural and (agri)cultural, invisible and visible, poor and productive, created and creators. FIELDS is conceived and edited by Marloe Mens.


The Learned Pig