Category: Rhythm
Lady Lazarus
An in-depth interview with London-based artist Kate Dunn, exploring the importance of rhythm in her dynamic abstract paintings.
The Poetry of Rearguard Consciousness
Exploring the neurological primacy of the scribble or scrawl – a series of recent drawings and/as poetry by artist and poet SJ Fowler.
…these little queer ciphers…
A Q&A with Jenn Thompson and Ellis, co-founders of Cipher Press, a new independent publisher of queer fiction and non-fiction.
Pulse Project
Artist and acupuncturist Michelle Lewis-King draws upon Chinese medical practices to translate bodily rythms into collaborative performances.
Orpheus Dispersed
There upped a tree! O absolute outstripping! O Orpheus singing! O tall tree in the ear! And all things hushed. Yet even under cover came a new start, a sign, a transforming. – Rainer Maria Rilke, Sonnets to Orpheus (trans. Martyn Crucefix) Characters CHORUS OF TREES THE TWITCHER THE MOON THE YOUNG…
Sheds and Silos
I paint landscape from life and, as I live in London, frequently the subject of the work is buildings. I chose these four images for the project for their particular rhythmical structure. In Red Tower With Railings, the flat planes of the walls and structures are seen through a line of railings, in a more…
Dessins de téléphone
This is part of RHYTHM, a section of The Learned Pig devoted to exploring rhythm as individual and collective, as poetic and biological, and the ways that rhythm dictates life. RHYTHM is conceived and edited by Rachel Goldblatt.
Chamomile Freak-show Poisonous in the wild, or so I was told, overtaking the verges on the main road, probably nothing after oversized daisies perhaps, a gem or relaxation abates. Mirror versus lamp, a stay of education. Stock complexity produces verse upon verse, selectively lit past occasion obliging, stranger things have happened, mug in hand….
Dicksonia Antarctica
The Tree Fern I once had a Tree Fern (Dicksonia Antarctica) For many, many years my First view each morning From our upstairs window. Beautiful, sweeping fronds So elegant in light breeze. I took care each winter to Wrap the crown, protect From frost and bitter winds. One spring it still stood tall Yet…
A Weekend on Mars
This Moment In Time Just when the crescent moon appeared. When the ailanthus shivered. When a heron shook its feathery crown and the little wheel turned inside the big wheel. While the palmist sighed, old and alone. At this juncture. At this moment in time, Winter putting on its walking boots, Autumn reflecting…
A space, an ambiance, a home
A modest row of cottages is set apart from Cambridge’s Castle Street by a small green on one side and St Peter’s Church on the other, right next to Cambridge University’s ancient Magdalene College and the backs of St John’s. You’d be forgiven for barely noticing the terrace that makes up Kettle’s Yard. Entering the…