The Learned Pig

Art – Thinking – Nature – Writing

Author: Brian Flynn

  • Asterisk


    High electric masts broadcast the turnpike’s hyphenations: Flat, dashed boxy. Their bold yellow glow adumbrating distance, blinking smaller then vanishing. The slow-going traffic signals our taking it for granted, this mousetrap of freeways diverging to crowded intersection, their outer limits disappearing into darkness. While the avenues less taken are singled out and swarmed, I reassess…

  • Soap / Eternity / Rendering

    Soap / Eternity / Rendering

    INSTRUCTIONS ON A BAR OF NATIONAL SECURITY AGENCY SOAP   Do what you want, live how you want. Get it behind your ears and all over      the skin you want. Do not think about machines. Read what you will, focus your eyes on      grime and slime and free will. Or grace,…